Presenting our very own Omar Awada from Milano Italy.
Omar originally from the beautiful Lebanon where he study Interior Design in Lebanese University.
He has been in Milano for 1.5 years studying Interior Design at the prestigious Politechnico Di Milano.
Outside of school, Omar is very busy with his social life, he hangs out with friends and meet new people in milan's watering hole.
Omar wish to be a model and as you can see he got a potential in his hands.
Aside from modeling, Omar loves to travel; he list swimming, gymnastics as his sports.
In his free time he loves decorating & drawing as you can see, he majors in interior design.
As he in Milan, he follows fashion & all the latest news in this bustling & exciting city.
La presentiamo ad Omar Awada di Milano Italia.
Omar nato di Libano, ha studiato Interior Design all'università libanese.
Omar vive a Libano da 1.5 anno , sta studiando design degli interni del politecnico di milano.
Omar ama i suoi amici. loro vanno ai migliore sbarre, discoteca & i ristoranti..
Omar avrà successo nel suo lavoro.
Omar si piacciono mutande & ginnastiche.
Gli piace anche, decorare il suo appartamento; lui si laurea in "disegno interno."
Omar porta i migliori "fashions & designer labels" a Milano.