Presenting Matthew L. from Los Angeles California.
Im 22 years old, having fun in sunny southern california, moved here from Toronto Canada.
I am a competitive runner on a national level and almost good enough for internatonal.
I also sail competitively, certified scuba diver only in Jamaica though, downhill ski instructor and anything thats exciting.
I do plan to go back to school and study sports physical therapy.
The photos that appeared here were submitted by members & provided for the purpose of setting up the model's on-line portfolio. MALE MODEL MILANO ITALY does not claim ownership of the photos mentioned--unless otherwise specified. Therefore does not violate/infringe any copyrights. The respective photos are owned by the photographers and/or members mentioned herewith.
MALE MODEL MILANO ITALY non esigere la proprietà delle foto ha accennato -- salvo specificazione contraria. Di conseguenza non viola o non infrange alcun "copyrights". Le foto rispettive hanno posseduto "dal photographer" e/o dai membri accennati con questo.