FEATURE MODEL.     LATEST MODELS.      GALLERIES:  ( 1 ).   ( 2 ).   ( 3 ).   ( 4 ).   ( 5 ).      PROF. MODELS.
      ARCHIVES: YEAR  2001.    2002.    2003.    2004.   





Model's On-Line Portfolio

First of all I'm not a shy guy and I strongly believe if you open and being nice to others, you will always get the same feedback from others. That is why I always put on a happy face and treat people nice.

 Of course sometimes I am naughty too as I like to tease people about how they look and act. But only to the ones I love. Gee, I must have loved a lot of people:-)

My philosophy is "Life is too short to be lived miserable, Living happily will be the biggest revenge to life. Never look back, look into the future. Be nice to yourself, nice to others. It is always easier to love someone than to hate someone.

If you been cheated once, it is someone's bad. If you been cheated more than once from the same person, then it is your bad.:-) Have a nice day and best wishes to all.:-)"

The photos that appeared here were submitted by members & provided for the purpose of setting up the model's on-line portfolio. MALE MODEL MILANO ITALY does not claim ownership of the photos mentioned--unless otherwise specified. Therefore MM2.8k.com does not violate/infringe any copyrights.  The respective photos are owned by the photographers and/or members mentioned herewith.

MALE MODEL MILANO ITALY non  esigere la proprietà delle foto ha accennato -- salvo specificazione  contraria. Di conseguenza MM2.8k.com non viola o non infrange alcun  "copyrights". Le foto rispettive hanno posseduto "dal photographer" e/o dai  membri accennati con questo.